GC1140 Insulated Inlet Poultry House Placement
Attic Inlet Capacity = House Width X House Length X 1.5 CFM/SF
# Attic Inlets per House = Attic Inlet Capacity / 1,669 CFM
Place first and last inlet 20’ from endwall of house.
40’ Wide House
Alternate inlets either side of peak of the house
50’ Wide House
Alternate inlets 2’ – 3’ from the peak of the house.
60’ Wide House
Alternate inlets 6-8’ from the peak of the house
Inlet spacing = (House Length – 40’) / (# Inlets +1)
Example: 500 ft – 40ft = 460 ft
# inlets per house = 12
460 / (12 inlets per house +1) = 35.38ft
Inlet Spacing = 35 ft O.C.